【 保护视力色:
黃山綠島簡介 黃山綠島別 墅區位於北侖區中心地段,總用地面積8.7公頃,共建有48幢別墅,一座大型中心會館,容積率只有0.9 ,綠化率達到50%以上,別墅建築採用低炭環保木結構體系,結構件木材爲加拿大進口,外掛板爲美國進品 的紅雪松。別墅區距同三線高速公路出口不到三公裏的路程。離北侖區中心廣場、體育館僅一路之隔, 開發區中心醫院、家樂福商場、愛學書院、東海學校、北侖中學等近在咫尺,生活十分便捷。目前已由 荷蘭、丹麥、德、美、新西蘭等國人士在黃山別墅安居樂業!生活在城市中的綠島,汲取大自然給予的 陽光及雨露,您會發現生活是如此的美好!
Ningbo Development Zone Huangshan Hotel Management co.,LTD General Introduction of Huangshan Green Island Villa Huangshan Green Island Villa is located in Beilun center district, with a total land area 8.7 hectares. It builds with 48 villas and a large central hall. It’s floor area ratio is only 0.9, while greening rate covers over 50%. The nearest high way is less than 3 kilometers away from the villas. Around the villas is Beilun central Squar, Central Stadium, Central Hospital of Beilun Development District, Carrefour Shopping Mall, Aixue International School, Donghai Experimental School, Beilun High School, etc. Life is really convenient here. Live in Green Island in the City, to gain sunshine, rain and dew from the nature, you will find that life is so beautiful!
别墅出租套型 位置 房间类型 面积/平方 D岛1号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫 1厨房1车库 317.8 D岛3号别墅 2卧室1书房 3厅3卫1厨房1车库 286.2 D岛4号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫1厨房1车库 320.24 D岛5号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫1厨房1车库 316.75 D岛7号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫1厨房1车库 293.16 D岛8号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫1厨房1车库 316.02 E岛1号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫1厨房1车库 314.53 E岛2号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫1厨房1车库 317 E岛7号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫1厨房1车库 318.99 F岛1号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫1厨房1车库 316.77 F岛2号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫1厨 房1车库 317.69 F岛3号别墅 4卧室3厅3卫1厨房1车库 339.25 F岛4号别墅 2卧室1书房3厅3卫1厨房1车库 287.45 F岛5号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫1厨房1车库 322.45 F岛7号别墅 3卧室3厅3卫1厨房1车库 313.82 F岛8号别墅 3卧室4厅3卫1厨 房1车库 316.83
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